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> Go Static!


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Go Static!

Go Static!

Static Site

Generate a static site from the created content with Blog-Doc.


Admin interface

You can use the administration interface to generate a static site out of your created content with Blog-Doc by following those simple steps:

  1. Access the administration interface → Click the Admin ⚡ link.
  2. From the administration homepage → Click the Build and Zip button in the administration toolbar.
  3. Or Click the Static Site link in the Generate Section → Click the Build and Zip button in the page.
  4. A static site is generated → Download the file to your disk.
  5. Extract and open the extracted folder with you IDE.
  6. Preview your static site → Launch the site from the server of your IDE.
Generate a static site with Blog-Doc


Alternatively, you can use the terminal to generate a static site:

  1. Open Blog-Doc with your IDE.
  2. Type the following command in the terminal:
npm run build
  1. A _site folder is created in Blog-Doc at the top.
  2. Open the _site folder with your IDE.
  3. Preview your static site → Launch the site from the server of your IDE.

Nota Bene

When you run a build from the administration interface, you can rename the created to another name before saving it to your disk. Keep the .zip extension and rename site to whatever you like.
If you run a build from the administration interface and save the created file in the same location on your disk with the same name as a previous build, the previous content will be replaced by the actual content in the application.

Each time your run a build from the administration interface or the terminal, the previous content of the _site folder is replaced by the actual content in the application.

Information SVG Whatever method you choose to run a build, the administration part and all of it's components will be removed from the generated static site.