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> Getting started


Getting started
Creating content
Go Static!

Getting started


The simplest Node.js CMS and SSG!


What is Blog-Doc?

In the vast landscape of Node.js apps, Blog-Doc shines as a tiny flame in the darkness of error.
Blog-Doc is a remarkable and unique combination of a Content Management System (CMS) and a Static Site Generator (SSG) built entirely with Node.js.
The CMS simplifies the process of creating a blog or documentation site without touching a single line of code while the SSG outputs a static site ready to be deployed on any platform that hosts static sites.

In short, Blog-Doc allows you to CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) and control every aspect of your site, then generate a static site out of the created content and specified settings.

Why another tool?

Blog-Doc was born out of a desire to create something truly efficient and straightforward.
I've realized that existing Content Management Systems & Static Site Generators often came with unnecessary complexities, resembling gasworks more than elegant solutions, so I've decided to create my own and share it with the world.

Name origin

Setting aside personal conversations, entertainment, and shopping, we utilize the internet primarily for obtaining information. Whether it's searching, reading, or taking notes, the web, in my humble view, serves as a platform for individuals to exchange experiences and knowledge. Blogging becomes our means of self-expression, enabling us to share what we've learned, while documentation stands as the fundamental support for any well-crafted application. Hence, the name Blog-Doc was selected.


Blog-Doc is packed with a variety of powerful features, making it a versatile and practical tool:

What is next?

I have exciting plans for future improvements.
The app will continue to evolve and receive updates, it's my personal contribution to the Node.js and Markdown communities.
Feedback, ideas, and suggestions from the community are warmly welcomed, and Blog-Doc invites developers to explore its potential and customize it for various projects.

Embrace the simplicity and embark on a journey of creating delightful content with Blog-Doc!